Tag Archives: call for papers

Call for Papers: Text Special Issue

Call for Papers, TEXT Special issue: ‘Isn’t it Romantic’, inspired by the RWA 2024 academic symposium

Romance is a powerhouse genre, a $1.4 billion dollar industry in 2022 (The National Herald). Sales of romance print books increased 52% in the 12-months ending May 2023 (Global Newswire) and according to Nielsen BookScan in Australia the ‘Romance and Sagas’ genre more than tripled in sales 2017-2023, showing an increase of 230%, while New Zealand saw a 270% increase in the same period. Popular Romance Studies is of growing scholarly interest and there are increasing numbers of Higher Degree Research students in the field, particularly doing Creative Writing PhDs. This is a call for papers inspired by the themes of the academic symposium hosted by Flinders University and Assemblage Centre of Creative Arts at the Romance Writers of Australia conference in August 2024. We invite scholarship on popular romance fiction in all its incarnations, including its intersections with colonialism, race, gender, sexuality, power, disability, and queerness, and explorations of genre and subgenre. Both scholarly articles and creative work will be considered. 

Papers are encouraged, but not limited, to explore the following:

  • Popular romance fiction tropes 
  • Popular romance fiction and questions of genre/subgenre 
  • Romance fiction and colonialism  
  • Romance fiction and race 
  • Romance fiction and gender 
  • Romance fiction and sexuality 
  • Romance fiction and dis/ability  
  • Romance fiction and queerness 

Abstract Submissions

Abstracts for scholarly papers should be 200 words in length and sent to the editors at degreesoflove@flinders.onmicrosoft.com with the subject line:‘EOI for Isn’t It Romantic Special Issue of TEXT Journal.’

Scholarly papers should be 6,000 – 8,000 words as per TEXT guidelines (including endnotes). Please include a brief biography with your abstract (100 words max, in TEXT style) and ensure that you include your email address for reply. 

EOI for Creative Submissions

Creative submissions will also be considered for this Special Issue. Final prose works would be 2,000 – 3,000 words. Creative EOIs should include a short synopsis/description of the proposed work, its relation to the theme and focus of the Special Issue, and a 200 – 300 word (10 – 20 lines) creative sample. 

EOIs should be sent to the editors atdegreesoflove@flinders.onmicrosoft.com with the subject line:‘Creative Submission EOI for Isn’t It Romantic Special Issue of TEXT Journal.’ Please include a brief biography with your abstract (100 words max, in TEXT style) and ensure that you include your email address for reply. 

Deadline for Abstracts and EOIs: Friday, 6th September 2024

Deadline for completed, accepted works: Friday, 1st November 2024

We welcome early submissions


Bhowmik, Ananyaa. “Era of Romance: Exploring the Unprecedented Boom in the Popularity of Romance Novles.” The National Herald, 2023. Retrieved June 1st, 2024, from thenationalherald.com.  

Baur, Erick. “From Laggard to Leader: Record Sales of Romance Books Reflect Next Generation of Contemporary Readers.” GlobeNewswire, 2023. Retrieved June 1st, 2024, from globenewswire.com. 

Program for the RWA ‘Trope Actually’ academic symposium: 



The deadline for abstract submissions has been extended until 30 June.

Conference Theme: Intersections 
Conference Host: The University of New England (Armidale, New South Wales)
Conference Dates: 27– 29 November 2024
Conference workshops: 26 November 2024 (focusing on creative, critical and professional practice), details TBA.

The 2024 AAWP conference will be held at the Armidale campus of the University of New England, located on Anaiwan Country. Armidale is surrounded by national parks, gorges, and waterfalls. Its natural beauty has historically inspired writers, artists, and storytellers, including Judith Wright. 

Intersections offer the possibility of the unexpected, as a meeting point or a place of divergence. We invite proposals for conference papers, panels, or performances that contemplate literal and figurative intersections involving writing (creative/professional/academic). Some starter points to consider include:

•    Interdisciplinarity
•    Intersectionality
•    Identities and cultures
•    Hybrid genres
•    Co-authorship and collaborations
•    History and fiction
•    Writing and place
•    Poetic forms
•    Pedagogy
•    Performance and writing
•    Technologies and writing
•    Writing and artificial intelligence
•    Curriculum design/delivery
•    Borders and boundaries
•    The publishing industry
•    Creative nonfiction and life writing
•    Writing for different audiences.

We also welcome other approaches to the theme.

While the conference can be attended by anyone, presenters must be current AAWP members. More information about becoming a member is available here. The conference will primarily take place in Armidale, with options to participate in some parts of the program online. 

Submissions are due by 30 June. 

Please include the following in your proposal: Your name, institutional affiliation, email address, what you are proposing (paper, panel, or performance), title, an abstract (250 words max), and a short bio (100 words max).

Please email submissions or any questions to aawp@une.edu.au

Call for Papers: International Australian Studies Association (InASA) 2025 Biennial Conference

Australian Studies in the 21st Century: Human and More-Than-Human Worlds Interactions, Perspectives, Futures

Where: Macquarie University Wallumattagal Campus, Sydney, Australia

When: 5–7 February 2025

Australian Studies has long been concerned with histories and stories about human experiences focusing on issues of settler colonisation, conflict, violence, resistance, resilience, agency, and justice. The 2025 InASA conference continues to focus on these vital issues but turns also to consider Australians’ formation by, and engagement with, the more-than-human world. Australian Studies is experiencing rapid transformation in the 21st century as new biopolitical challenges emerge with climate change and concomitant environmental and ecological concerns, and as artificial intelligence impacts and transforms social, cultural, economic, and political life. New understandings, inspirations, and challenges emerge not only about the peoples across Australia, but also the continent’s more-than-human entities, including animals, plants, landscapes, ecologies, and technologies, among others.

The 2025 InASA conference aims to foster interdisciplinary and cross-cultural dialogues on Critical Indigenous Studies, history, literature, culture, creative arts, politics, media, sociology, anthropology, geography, ecology, and other disciplines that engage with human experiences and/or more-than-human worlds. We welcome proposals for individual papers, 3 member panels, or 4-5 member roundtables for plenary sessions, that engage with the conference theme from diverse disciplines, perspectives, and methodologies. We particularly encourage submissions that prioritise Indigenous voices. We invite contributions from established and emerging scholars that address, but are not limited to, the following topics:

  • Indigenous knowledges and perspectives
  • Indigenous histories and geographies
  • Indigenous relationalities
  • Australian histories, biographies, and fiction
  • Australian cultures
  • Geographies of Australia
  • Settler colonialism
  • Colonial commemorations
  • Justice, agency, and resistance
  • Gender and sexuality
  • Cross-cultural encounters
  • Migration, refugees, and diaspora
  • Class, poverty, inequality, and the asset economy
  • Screen and media production and representation
  • Social and digital media
  • Creative writing and multimodal creative research
  • Ecocriticism and environmental humanities
  • Technology and future studies
  • Changing meanings of more-than-human
  • Politics of the more-than-human

Please submit an abstract (approx. 250 words) and a bio note (no more than 100 words) to the 2025 InASA Conference. For panels or roundtable proposals, please include a brief description of the proposed session (approx. 200 words), along with abstracts for each individual paper and bio notes. The conference is primarily face-to-face but online access may be possible.

The submission deadline is Monday, 30 September 2024. Please send your submissions or general inquiries sent to Dr Daozhi Xu (daozhi.xu@mq.edu.au).

A conference website with further details will open soon.

Call for Papers: 29th Conference of the Australasian Association of Writing Programs

Conference Theme: Intersections 
Conference Host: The University of New England (Armidale, New South Wales)
Conference Dates: 27– 29 November 2024
Conference workshops: 26 November 2024 (focusing on creative, critical and professional practice), details TBA.

The 2024 AAWP conference will be held at the Armidale campus of the University of New England, located on Anaiwan Country. Armidale is surrounded by national parks, gorges, and waterfalls. Its natural beauty has historically inspired writers, artists, and storytellers, including Judith Wright. 

Intersections offer the possibility of the unexpected, as a meeting point or a place of divergence. We invite proposals for conference papers, panels, or performances that contemplate literal and figurative intersections involving writing (creative/professional/academic). Some starter points to consider include:

•    Interdisciplinarity
•    Intersectionality
•    Identities and cultures
•    Hybrid genres
•    Co-authorship and collaborations
•    History and fiction
•    Writing and place
•    Poetic forms
•    Pedagogy
•    Performance and writing
•    Technologies and writing
•    Writing and artificial intelligence
•    Curriculum design/delivery
•    Borders and boundaries
•    The publishing industry
•    Creative nonfiction and life writing
•    Writing for different audiences.

We also welcome other approaches to the theme.

While the conference can be attended by anyone, presenters must be current AAWP members. More information about becoming a member is available here. The conference will primarily take place in Armidale, with options to participate in some parts of the program online. 

Submissions are due by 31 May. 

Please include the following in your proposal: Your name, institutional affiliation, email address, what you are proposing (paper, panel, or performance), title, an abstract (250 words max), and a short bio (100 words max).

Please email submissions or any questions to aawp@une.edu.au

A photograph of a well-lit narrow alley.

Call for Papers – Axon: Creative Explorations

This issue of the Axon: Creative Explorations journal will explore the relationships and connections between Creative Writing, Place and History and will be published in the December–January 2024-25 issue.

The editors, Paul Hetherington and Cassandra Atherton, now invite 150-word abstracts for proposed articles related to the relationships and connections between Creative Writing, Place and History, which might include topics such as:

  • Poetry and place
  • Poetry and history
  • Genius Loci as a concept
  • Creative writing and the factual
  • Writing about ‘what actually happened’
  • Recreating histories
  • The relationship between truth, facts and invention
  • Visiting writing locations
  • Understanding the ‘other’ in other places
  • The creative use of documentary resources
  • Biography and creativity

Abstracts for articles on other related topics are also welcome.

All abstracts should be submitted by 30 APRIL 2024 at Axon’s Submissions Manager (https://axoncreativeexplorations.submittable.com/submit)

If an abstract is accepted by the editors, the full article will be due by 31 OCTOBER 2024.

Articles, essays, papers and other scholarly contributions are peer reviewed in a double blind process and in producing a research-based paper, authors should be drawing on a sound framework of scholarship relevant to the paper’s topic, rather than purely on personal experience and/or anecdotal evidence. Papers are expected to make a contribution that extends the current literature in the field. Authors are welcome to take a creative or lateral approach to their topic or to incorporate images or other graphic work.

Further information for authors is available here: https://axonjournal.com.au/contribute

Final revised articles, papers, essays and interviews (including endnotes) will be a minimum of 3,000 words and maximum of 6,000 words in length.

Please note: poems for the issue will be solicited by the editors. Unsolicited poems should not be submitted.

Call for Papers | TEXT Special Issue: Writing from the Fringes

Deadline: Monday 22 April 2024

TEXT editors are calling for paper abstracts and creative EOIs for a December special issue of the journal. The theme of the issue is “Writing from the Fringes”, and possible subject matter includes (but is not limited to) the following:

·         Written perspectives from writers of colour

·         Writers challenging neo-liberalism and patriarchy

·         Writing from the shadow/y land of Gothicism

·         Writing and reading Aboriginal Gothic literature/stories

·         Writing to challenge/subvert gender stereotypes

·         Writing and reading from positions of neurodiversity

·         Writing and reading from positions of disability

·         Thoughts and perspectives on reconfiguring Australia’s literary “canon”

·         Writing through/about trauma and pain

·         Writing through/about personal “hauntings”

·         Writing through/about racism

·         Writing through/about experiences of dislocation

·         For love or money? Writing through socio-economic hardship

·         Writing about diaspora and the immigrant’s/migrant’s experience

·         The margins as a liminal space (place): What is happening there?

·         (Re)writing history/perspectives from historical narratives, suppression, and oppression

·         Exploring relationships with the more-than-human world (through written work)

·         Writing that uses other englishes and/or languages other than English in English-based writing

·         Writing from/through translation.

Abstract Submissions

Abstracts for scholarly papers should be 200 words and sent to the editors at textsifringe@gmail.com with the subject line: “EOI for Scholarly Submission”.

Final scholarly papers would be 6,000 to 8,000 words, per TEXT guidelines (including endnotes).

EOIs for Creative Submissions

EOIs should be sent to the editors at textsifringe@gmail.com with the subject line: “EOI for Creative Submission”.

Creative EOIs should include a 200-word synopsis/description of the proposed work and its relation to the special issue’s theme, as well as a 200 to 300 word- (10 to 20 lines) creative sample.

Final prose works would be 2,000 to 3,000 words or a conventional equivalent for script-based works. Poem sequences of up to 80 lines (500 words for prose poems) are also welcome.

The deadline for scholarly paper abstracts and creative EOI submissions is Monday 22 April.

Call for Papers: a/b: Auto/Biography Studies

Submit a Manuscript to the journal a/b: Auto/Biography Studies for a Special Issue on: Lives, Selves, Media and #MeToo: Anticipating Futures, Tracing Histories and Articulating the Present.

The Journal is seeking 250-300 word abstracts for articles of up to 6000 words, and shorter creative or critical contributions of up to 1000 words. Please make clear in your abstract which format your proposal pertains to.

Abstracts are due on 4 March 2024, and full papers will be due on 2 September 2024.

We are also planning a collaborative workshop for potential contributors in July 2024, and details will follow for those whose full papers are requested.

The editorial team for this special issue is led by Kylie Cardell (Flinders University) and Emma Maguire (James Cook University). Please submit abstracts via email to: kylie.cardell@flinders.edu.au and emma.maguire@jcu.edu.au

Call for Abstracts: Beyond Words: Interdisciplinary Intersections of Creative Writing andWellbeing

EDITORS: Dr Caty Flynn (The Genre Lab.) & Professor Ursula Hurley (University of Salford) CALL DEADLINE: 500-word abstracts by FRIDAY 6th OCTOBER 2023
CONTACT: bookandvolumeofthemind@gmail.com

The phrase “creative writing” is used in wellbeing interventions as a catch-all term for many forms of practice. Currently, there is scant research to back up claims of efficacy, and little insight in terms of what the actual benefits of specific creative writing practices are, why these benefits occur, and how we can utilise this knowledge for shaping such practices so that we can get the most out of them. We believe passionately that creative writing can, indeed, improve wellbeing. But, we want to present a collection of investigations into the mechanisms of why and, by doing so, lay blueprints for how. This important intersection between wellbeing and creative writing has yet to be addressed robustly and this collection attempts to do so.

Creative writing research is inherently interdisciplinary. As Mi Csikszentmihalyi explains,
“being able to braid together ideas and emotions from disparate domains is one way writers express their creativity” (263). Science and psychology recognise the broader implications of creative writing’s applicability, evidenced by a wealth of developments over the last century, including but not limited to the explicit influences apparent in everyone from Freud to Damasio to Hofstadter, to Narrative Psychology (see Sarbin, 1986) and Drama Therapy (see Jones, 1996). Theorists of all disciplines typically turn to storytelling to elucidate their points. But, what can creative writing do for these fields beyond offering metaphors or analogies (useful as that may be)? What can creative writing do in terms of application, theory, communication, and creative conceptualisation with regard to wellbeing? In this proposed collection, we seek to move beyond metaphor towards mutual enrichment.

The overall purpose of the volume is to showcase innovative methodologies and new theories, highlight benefits and challenges, offer frameworks and directions for future research, and encourage new developments at the intersection of creative writing practice and wellbeing. Our enquiry considers the implications for creative practice; psychological and therapeutic practice; self-help; intersectionality, social justice and transformation; and experimental scientific research.

We aim to be inclusive in terms of discipline, approach, and background. We encourage both single-author and collaborative submissions, and chapters which incorporate practice-based research or creative or hybrid forms into process or presentation, thereby making form as well as content part of the research, as well as more traditional academic chapters. We are interested in chapters that foreground specific genres of writing or specific areas of wellbeing, and those which take a broader view. We encourage personal investigations as well as social research. Essentially, we are open to receiving any creative and robust response to the brief from any and every disciplinary perspective, to showcase the diversity of current practices and their transformative potential.

Of particular interest is interdisciplinary work that can creatively raise issues, themes, and topics such as:

  • Creative writing as a practice through which to shift perspective, question given rules and habitual behaviours, and imagine things otherwise.
  • Connections between the processes and concepts of writing and those of the cognitive and social sciences. Comparative essays on concepts from psychology, mental health, neuroscience, sociology etc with concepts from creative writing i.e., stories and brain processes, rhetorical/literary devices as biological/psychological/emotional functions/tools.
  • How can we make creative writing concepts accessible beyond literacy, vision, or any other barrier which impedes engagement? Chapters might imagine brail or audio methods, oral storytelling, dramatic or musical performance, games, and/or inclusive social facilitations.
  • Re-imaginings, syntheses, or innovative extensions of traditional or existing theory from an interdisciplinary lens – i.e., creative writing and psychology.
  • Case-studies, evaluative reports, cameos, co-constructed content or other outputs from creative writing wellbeing intervention trials or projects.
  • The capacities of creative writing to constitute a free and accessible mode of self-care for a large demographic of people in ways that support intersecting social inequalities observable in accessing effective mental health, wellbeing, and self-development support.
  • Are all types of creative writing good for us? Are certain types of writing “better” for us or more transformational, and others “worse” for us or regressive? In terms of reading or writing, particular genres or styles or movements or periods or practices.
  • Specific genres & their wellbeing potential / mental health utility/resonance; specific mental health conditions explored through the lens of creative writing; specific outcomes – self-expression; reconceptualisation; control; confidence; change; perspective; reflection; etc.
  • Evolutionary advantages of creative writing.
  • Disciplinary, sectoral, and/or any other challenges, difficulties, issues, or barriers in creative writing wellbeing research, development, engagement, and evaluation, including but not limited to ethical procedure, methodology, engagement, skillset, resources, knowledge base, facilitation, publication, funding, collaboration, and interdisciplinary working. How can we transform or overcome these challenges?
  • Robustly researched theoretical essays regarding the “why” and “how” of wellbeing/self-development benefits which emerge from creative writing.
  • The potential of creative writing for social change, resisting injustice, and transforming perceptions.
  • Methodologies for creative writing & mental health research and innovation.
  • Theoretical, experimental, and creative investigations of concepts and practices such as journaling; self-expression; life-writing; self-writing; and so on.
  • How can we build co-construction, community involvement, and social engagement into creative writing wellbeing projects?
  • Everyday utility/application of creative writing concepts/practices for self-care/expression/development.
  • The future of writing for wellbeing – directions/next steps; predictions/hopes; necessary changes; potential problems.

All chapters must constitute fully-integrated interdisciplinary work – a dialogue between fields, rather than a reading of one discipline through another in a one-way dynamic. All of these topics/ideas can be approached in whatever genre of writing feels appropriate. However, we do expect there to be rigorous interdisciplinary research, reading, and critical thinking underpinning even the most creative or experimental chapter. We interpret creative writing broadly, so do contact us if you are unsure about definitional boundaries.

Format: We invite 500-word Abstracts for 5,000-10,000-word chapters (negotiable). Please include up to 5 keywords and a brief biography of the author(s) which includes an institutional affiliation and your contact email.

Send your abstract to: bookandvolumeofthemind@gmail.com

Deadline for Abstracts: 06/10/2023.
Accepted authors will be notified 20/10/2023.
Accepted chapters to be delivered no later than 19/04/2024.
Editorial team: Dr Caty Flynn (The Genre Lab.) & Professor Ursula Hurley (University of Salford)

Cozolino, L. (2010). The Neuroscience of Psychotherapy: Healing the Social Brain. 2nd ed. New York: W. W. Norton. Csikszentmihalyi, M. (2013). Creativity: Flow and the Psychology of Discovery and Invention. New York: Harper Perennial.
Damasio, A. (2000). The Feeling of what Happens. London: Vintage.
Freud, S. (2008). The Interpretation of Dreams. Oxford: Oxford’s World Classics.
Hofstadter, D. (2007). I am a Strange Loop. Philadelphia: Basic Books.
Koestler, A. (1975). The Act of Creation. London: Picador.
Lakoff, G. & Johnson, M. (2003). Metaphors We Live By. London: University of Chicago Press.
Prentiss, S. and Walker, N. eds. (2020). The Science of Story: The Brain Behind Creative Nonfiction. London: Bloomsbury.