Call for Papers | TEXT Special Issue: Writing from the Fringes

Deadline: Monday 22 April 2024

TEXT editors are calling for paper abstracts and creative EOIs for a December special issue of the journal. The theme of the issue is “Writing from the Fringes”, and possible subject matter includes (but is not limited to) the following:

·         Written perspectives from writers of colour

·         Writers challenging neo-liberalism and patriarchy

·         Writing from the shadow/y land of Gothicism

·         Writing and reading Aboriginal Gothic literature/stories

·         Writing to challenge/subvert gender stereotypes

·         Writing and reading from positions of neurodiversity

·         Writing and reading from positions of disability

·         Thoughts and perspectives on reconfiguring Australia’s literary “canon”

·         Writing through/about trauma and pain

·         Writing through/about personal “hauntings”

·         Writing through/about racism

·         Writing through/about experiences of dislocation

·         For love or money? Writing through socio-economic hardship

·         Writing about diaspora and the immigrant’s/migrant’s experience

·         The margins as a liminal space (place): What is happening there?

·         (Re)writing history/perspectives from historical narratives, suppression, and oppression

·         Exploring relationships with the more-than-human world (through written work)

·         Writing that uses other englishes and/or languages other than English in English-based writing

·         Writing from/through translation.

Abstract Submissions

Abstracts for scholarly papers should be 200 words and sent to the editors at with the subject line: “EOI for Scholarly Submission”.

Final scholarly papers would be 6,000 to 8,000 words, per TEXT guidelines (including endnotes).

EOIs for Creative Submissions

EOIs should be sent to the editors at with the subject line: “EOI for Creative Submission”.

Creative EOIs should include a 200-word synopsis/description of the proposed work and its relation to the special issue’s theme, as well as a 200 to 300 word- (10 to 20 lines) creative sample.

Final prose works would be 2,000 to 3,000 words or a conventional equivalent for script-based works. Poem sequences of up to 80 lines (500 words for prose poems) are also welcome.

The deadline for scholarly paper abstracts and creative EOI submissions is Monday 22 April.

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About Sarah Giles

Sarah Giles (she/her) is a PhD candidate at Swinburne University researching the possibilities of the contemporary short story cycle exploring women’s experiences of isolation, trauma and mental illness. Her writing has been published in The Writing Mind: Creative Writing Responses to Images of the Living Brain, ACE III and ACE IV (Arresting Contemporary stories by Emerging Writers), The Incompleteness Book, TEXT Journal among others. Sarah works at Writers Victoria as Marketing and Memberships Officer and is a sessional tutor across multiple universities.