A photograph of a well-lit narrow alley.

Call for Papers – Axon: Creative Explorations

This issue of the Axon: Creative Explorations journal will explore the relationships and connections between Creative Writing, Place and History and will be published in the December–January 2024-25 issue.

The editors, Paul Hetherington and Cassandra Atherton, now invite 150-word abstracts for proposed articles related to the relationships and connections between Creative Writing, Place and History, which might include topics such as:

  • Poetry and place
  • Poetry and history
  • Genius Loci as a concept
  • Creative writing and the factual
  • Writing about ‘what actually happened’
  • Recreating histories
  • The relationship between truth, facts and invention
  • Visiting writing locations
  • Understanding the ‘other’ in other places
  • The creative use of documentary resources
  • Biography and creativity

Abstracts for articles on other related topics are also welcome.

All abstracts should be submitted by 30 APRIL 2024 at Axon’s Submissions Manager (https://axoncreativeexplorations.submittable.com/submit)

If an abstract is accepted by the editors, the full article will be due by 31 OCTOBER 2024.

Articles, essays, papers and other scholarly contributions are peer reviewed in a double blind process and in producing a research-based paper, authors should be drawing on a sound framework of scholarship relevant to the paper’s topic, rather than purely on personal experience and/or anecdotal evidence. Papers are expected to make a contribution that extends the current literature in the field. Authors are welcome to take a creative or lateral approach to their topic or to incorporate images or other graphic work.

Further information for authors is available here: https://axonjournal.com.au/contribute

Final revised articles, papers, essays and interviews (including endnotes) will be a minimum of 3,000 words and maximum of 6,000 words in length.

Please note: poems for the issue will be solicited by the editors. Unsolicited poems should not be submitted.

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About Sarah Giles

Sarah Giles (she/her) is a PhD candidate at Swinburne University researching the possibilities of the contemporary short story cycle exploring women’s experiences of isolation, trauma and mental illness. Her writing has been published in The Writing Mind: Creative Writing Responses to Images of the Living Brain, ACE III and ACE IV (Arresting Contemporary stories by Emerging Writers), The Incompleteness Book, TEXT Journal among others. Sarah works at Writers Victoria as Marketing and Memberships Officer and is a sessional tutor across multiple universities.