2023 ARA Historical Novel Prize Longlists Announced

Historical Novel Society Australasia (HNSA), in partnership with Australia’s leading essential building and infrastructure services provider ARA Group, is excited to announce the Longlists for the 2023 ARA Historical Novel Prize.

This year’s Longlists traverse a vast tapestry of settings and eras, delving into tales of love against prejudice, the resilience in the face of societal shifts, and the enduring spirit of individuals amidst challenges. From sun-soaked Australian landscapes to the complexities of medieval England and the turmoil of wartime Europe, the stories underscore the potency of historical fiction to illuminate the intricacies of human nature, evoke untold tales, and spotlight the shared tribulations and triumphs echoing through time.

The Longlist for the 2023 ARA Historical Novel Prize – Adult Category is:

The Longlist for the 2023 ARA Historical Novel Prize – Children and Young Adult (CYA) Category is:

The ARA Historical Novel Prize is worth a total of $100,000 in prize monies. The Prize will award $50,000 to the Adult category winner, with an additional $5,000 to be awarded to each of the remaining two shortlisted authors. In the Children and Young Adult (CYA) category, the winner will receive $30,000, while the two shortlisted authors will receive $5,000 each.

The 2023 ARA Historical Novel Prize Shortlist will be announced on Wednesday 27 September 2023. Winners will be announced on 19 October 2023. For more information about the awards and to see last year’s winners, please visit the HNSA website.

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About Sarah Giles

Sarah Giles (she/her) is a PhD candidate at Swinburne University researching the possibilities of the contemporary short story cycle exploring women’s experiences of isolation, trauma and mental illness. Her writing has been published in The Writing Mind: Creative Writing Responses to Images of the Living Brain, ACE III and ACE IV (Arresting Contemporary stories by Emerging Writers), The Incompleteness Book, TEXT Journal among others. Sarah works at Writers Victoria as Marketing and Memberships Officer and is a sessional tutor across multiple universities.